
The Arts Party
The Arts Party Conference
Brighton, United Kingdom
16th to 19th August 2019
Sick of politicians?
Tired of the games?
Fed up with the opposition?
The Arts Party
Vote for a positive new voice.
Vote for the only non political political party in the UK.
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Arts Party Values

The Arts Party is an international political movement, inspired by the importance of the Arts and creative action, with parties currently registered in Australia, England, Scotland and Wales.

We’re committed to introducing arts thinking into politics and promoting creative, scientific and evidence based ideas that improve the lives of as many people as possible, while mindful of the few.



EVERY citizen should be given the opportunity to be the best version of themselves they can be.



We are all creative, curious and connected. These attributes should be encouraged in us throughout our lives.

The Arts


Bringing people together, to build tolerance, empathy and connection, through shared experiences and emotions.



Help to create positive change through our democracy. The more of us there are, the stronger we become!